It seems hard to believe we have had our shared ownership narrow boat Centurion for 10 years now. The boat was handed over to the Syndicate after fitting out at Blue Haven Marine in April 2003. We are one of 2 original owners left in the syndicate, so for the record I will do a retrospective blog of the early years of Centurion.
Fitting out at Blue Haven Marine |
Interior Fitting. |
Handover Day April 2003 at Blue Haven Marine near Rugby, NB
Broadsword was also handed over the same day. |
We would be based at Blue Haven until 2004 for ease of warranty issues, the most major been alternators and batteries not up to scratch.
Centurion is a 62 foot Semitrad, with a Nanni Diesel, Hydraulic Bow Thrusters, Fixed double + 2 temp doubles, Alde central heating and morso stove.
Our first trip on Centurion was from Rugby up the Oxford to Braunston, then the Grand Union towards Warwick, up the Hatton Flight and down to Stratford, a 2 week trip if I remember. Bit of a baptism of fire on the new boat with all the wide locks at Calcutt, Stockton, and Hatton, and then a long run of narrow locks down to Stratford.
Hatton Locks 2003 |
Near Wooton Wawen. |
On the Aquaduct. |
Bancroft Basin - Stratford. |
The second trip was again just as long, up the Grand Union to Braunston, up Braunston Locks and through the tunnel, and then left at Norton Junction onto the Leicester section of the Grand Union, destination Market Harborough. The summit section is now our favourite canal.
Watford Staircase Locks. |
Foxton Staircase Locks. |
Union Basin - Market Harborough. |